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Sensual massage

The greatest pleasure that comes from all body sensual massage does not necessary followed by sexual act and that is just two close people becoming even closer with the help of mild touching. You are not ought to think of this as play before making love. It doesn't lead to sex. Actually, it is to combine together the two people in the amazing, old tradition of the old Tantric Texts. It would let two people to become whole with each.

This type of pleasure should be sensual, calm and relaxed. Professional escort Kiev girls from agency know well about the techniques of the sensual massage.

There is concentration on all body parts and you are touching and studying all parts of the friend's body. Try to spend a little time on the genitals, slowly going to fingers around them. And of course remember about the buttock as it has a lot of nerves that can provide incredible satisfaction to your partner when you gently touch them. Massage of this type is an actually amazing experience between two partners.

You can explore the new sides of pleasure by touching your partner and having him explore you. Whether you use a feather, oil or just fingers, you will experience something unreal and amazing that will leave you breathless. That is why this pleasure is so popular and it does not even involve sex.

Sensual massage Kiev goes beyond simple sex for the people who practice it. When you are making love with a friend, you are becoming very close to him. But with all that passion there is no much time for body discovery. For some people foreplay is not necessary, so practicing intimate masage is a perfect way to learn so much more about your partner or escort girls.

Even if can not give a massage, you can practice an erotic massage after realizing the theory of a sensual massage. Just use gentle touching, mild strokes with the hands, fingers even legs and other parts of the body to have the best result for you.

Regina -  best at doing Sensual massage

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