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Sex with thin and fat

Sex with the thin


- At affinity with it in a classical position you do not risk to be crushed.
- There are data, that thin more clockwork and vigorous, than well-fad, and are inclined to make love long, repeatedly, beginning all at first.
- At thin more than sensitive sites on a body, more precisely speaking, they are more accessible, than at the full.


- take of his elbows and knees, you can "earn" bruises.
- With such partner you lose possibility to have sex on weight - even if it will lift you, to it you not to keep.
- According to statistics, at the majority thin all thin.

Sex with the fat man


- The fat man with the great pleasure, rather than thin boy, will give you the initiative to beds and will allow you to gain «top over it'self».
- The fat man it is possible to "take" more actively more considerably - from it more low sensitivity of receptors.
- Fat men practically always carefully address with the partners because are afraid it to do much harm.


- Fat men, straining fine sweat.
- Fat men get tired, rather than thin faster, as besides the main loading they still all time should put efforts to keeping on weight the serious weight.
- One awkward movement - and on you 100 kg fall. So choosing a pose, think of safety precautions.
women love sex with the thin.

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