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Kiss - advantage

The kiss is the action, forcing to function approximately 30 muscles! Besides, this natural medicine: a natural antibiotic and the good anasthetising. The kiss is an effective natural medicine. Recollect, how mother kisses the child: here works not only the psychological moments, are still the reasons and physiological. The kiss with women simultaneously comprises both a vaccine and a number of medicines. But also, together with a kiss the organism receives valuable anzem which deliver strong natural antibiotics. The brain develops in the meantime the natural anaesthetising.

As it is already proved by physicians, the saliva at a kiss is capable to intoxicate how any wines and drugs in the world! Historians have established, that Neanderthal men, for example, licked persons to compensate such unusual by absence of salt in food, and the origin of kisses goes back to very ancient centuries: mothers, taking away children from a breast, first time chewed for them food which transferred from the mouth in a mouth to the child.

Frenchmen are assured, what exactly in France have invented a passionate and long kiss a mouth in a mouth about which speak "the French kiss". Pygmies consider the French kiss disgusting. Japanese - barbarous. And Eskimos, awfully and loudly sniff, when kiss, long and strenuously thus rub noses. Papuans - unconditional and champions in the world on kisses. They rub the lips to is red, then plentifully humidify with a saliva the language, then - lips, passing to stings. And, at last, start up the saliva in a mouth of a beloved or to the beloved.

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