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Women do not love it

You Think, you are a super lover? Also there are bases. You know all poses physically accessible to you, have studied female erogenous zones. At you always with it'self the big stock of usual and exotic condoms and a battery for favorite sex toys of your little girl. Often you give flowers. Well, women, what still is necessary to you?

Even the best men in bed commit serious errors which force the partner to doubt that enough attention is rendered it. Remove socks, and furthermore boots. Forget all that you saw in a porno. Even if you such fast, that between the first excitement in blood and floundering in bed with the girl-friend at you pass five seconds, take care of removing socks. A female nose such sensitive - protect this gentle creation. Do not answer phone calls.

Do not catch at phone tube if during sex has heard a call. It is not necessary to remind? And after all 15 % of men already interrupted sex to answer by phone. Disconnect it still before you have begun a prelude. Your mum has property to keep ringing to you each 10 minutes? Then disconnect also an answering machine. Anybody is not necessary to you in bed the third. Do not talk.

Certainly, women love beautiful man's voices, but bed - not a place to show the level of intellectuality. Any tautological demagogy about variants of origin of the Universe. Speak only about how it gets you and as to you it is good in it.

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